Saturday 20 December 2014

Apprehensions of Sindh:

1 .No surplus water available to fill dam.

2. Sindh will be turned into a desert.

3. High level outlets to divert water.

4. Sea water intrusion.

5. Mangrove(various large and extensive types of trees) forests are threatened.

6. Fish production and drinking water problems.


1.  Dams don’t consume any water

2.  Instead these store water during flood season and then make it available on crop demand basis for the                remaining dry periods.

3.  in order to revive the mangroves, real need is for replanting salt tolerant varieties with provision for controlled          doses of fresh water. Obviously, this possibility would be much enhanced with an upstream storage facility          like Kalabagh.

4.  A recent study has shown that there is no clear evidence to suggest that fisheries stocks in the river reach         below Kotri have declined due to progressive reduction in the surface water supplies. On the other hand, fish         production has been constantly increasing as indicated by statistical data. As such, Kalabagh Dam is unlikely     to have any adverse effect on fish production in the area.

5. In the riverain area downstream to Kotri Barrage, groundwater is predominantly saline or brackish and as such    unsuitable for either irrigation water supply. After Kalabagh, winter supply in the river would improve thus              assuring more drinking water.
      s       So all the apprehensions of sindh and other provinces are wrong and self made because some politicians
               dont want to see pakistan as a developed country.