Tuesday 28 October 2014

Feasibility of kala bagh dam

“Kalabagh Dam would guarantee sufficient and cheap electricity,” said the official adding that thermal power costs Rs16 per unit, where as hydel power costs Rs2.5 to Rs3 per unit.

“The big dams are needed to overcome the issue and the country would suffer severe water crisis if they were not built

According to a study, the Kalabagh Dam will have the capacity of generating 3,600MW of electricity which will save $4 billion annually for the country, excluding the 30 percent line losses.

Meanwhile according to a conservative estimate, about 30 million acre foot water is being wasted into the sea because of absence of big water reservoirs and the dam was causing the country a loss of Rs132 billion annually.

“The recent floods in Pakistan caused more than $45 billion loss which could have been averted if big dams were operational,” the official said.

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